Faces of Swallow Hill: The Ram

With it being the week of April Fool’s Day, we thought this would be a good time to share the story of a face beloved by many at Swallow Hill. His name? Well, that’s open to debate.  I have to tell this story in the first person as I am part of it. When I showed up...

Faces of Swallow Hill: Olivia Shaw

In 2019 as part of our 40th Anniversary celebrations, our then Social Media Manager Olivia Shaw started a spotlight feature called Faces of Folk, where we asked members of the community to share their thoughts on folk music, community, and memories of Swallow Hill....

Swallow Hill’s Silver Linings: A Letter From CEO Paul Lhevine

Through the fog of this downcast year we are spending this holiday season focusing on its silver linings and look forward to the year and years ahead of us with optimism and renewed energy and excitement. For what lies at the heart of Swallow Hill is an amazing...