When you buy a concert ticket, enroll in a class, join as a member or make a donation, you are spreading the joy of music far beyond the walls of Swallow Hill. Thank you!
You may know Swallow Hill for the 250+ concerts we produce, bringing together more than 72,000 patrons each year. Or you may know that our acoustic music school is the second largest in the country, and serves 15,000+ adult and youth students every year at our three locations.
What you may not know is, with the generous support of our donors and members like you, we have greatly expanded our music education offerings in our underresourced communities. The hall mark of our outreach effort is our Little Swallows early childhood education program that introduces three- and four-year-olds to the world of music making. By the end of this year we will reach 1,000 children.
Swallow Hill is the only organization providing formal music education in Denver’s low-income preschools.
A student jumps, dances, and sings during a Little Swallows class. Photo by Andrew Kowalyshyn, AK Photo.
Exposure to music in early childhood promotes literacy and math, and prepares students in kindergarten by introducing them to basic classroom skills. While “music for all” is a possibility in affluent communities, those communities with limited resources lack access to music programming.
With your help we can enhance the life of every child through the joy of music. Please give today.
We believe that high-quality musical experiences should be accessible to everyone. Will you help give pre-school children the gift of music classes by donating to Swallow Hill’s community outreach fund today?
$400 provides a full set of drums to a Little Swallows classroom.
$250 provides one week of Little Swallows music classes in an ECE classroom at an underresourced school.
$150 provides a Little Swallows instructor for one month to one classroom. Our instructors teach specialized curriculum that Swallow Hill developed to meet and exceed state academic standards.
Your gift is an investment in the future of these children and ensures we can provide music in a way that brings joy and opens doors to a better education for their lifetimes.