“There is light at the end of the tunnel. :)” The Accidentals are looking forward to the release of their TIME OUT EP on May 9.
Ahead of their TIME OUT Virtual EP Release Show on May 9, we asked The Accidentals What has music taught you since things shut down due to COVID-19 that you will carry with you when life begins to open back up? And they replied:
We’ve learned to slow down. Be present. Practice gratitude. When Covid is over, we will love a little more, take less for granted, be kinder to ourselves, work a little smarter. We’ve been running at breakneck speed for ten years. This break has been incredibly uncomfortable at times. We’ve learned to sit with all the uncomfortable feelings until they are a little more comfortable rather than constantly run from them. We’ve learned to lean on each other, ask for what we need, and reach out when we need help. Being able to connect with other artists and collaborate on these TIME OUT songs was cathartic and healing. We didn’t know at the time that we were processing the limbo and isolation we were feeling. Music has always been our favorite therapist.
We are looking forward to getting back to work soon and we are all fully vaccinated as of April 29th! There is light at the end of the tunnel. 🙂
Sending love,
Sav (and Katie and Michael)
We can’t wait until we can see The Accidentals live again in person. In the meantime we are excited for their TIME OUT EP Release Virtual Show with special appearances from Dar Williams, Tom Paxton, Kim Richey, and Maia Sharp for a virtual in-the-round on May 9. Go here to get complete details and purchase tickets.